East Sussex Volunteer Coordinators’ Networking Forums: It’s All About You!
ARRCC and the School Creative Centre, New Road, Rye TN31 7LS
Weighed down by performance indicators? Grappling with recruitment targets and ‘difficult’ volunteers? For a few hours come and join us and forget about it all. At this Forum the focus will be exclusively on YOU! For all of us working in this sector it is usually true to say that we place most things in our work ahead of ourselves which can be incredibly draining. While we might recognise that engaging and supporting volunteers requires a specific set of skills, it is rare to see people doing the job, properly nurtured and their professional development is often neglected. During this Forum we will be considering issues like; how best can you get your training needs met, how can you develop new skills and improve existing ones, how would you truly like your career to progress? Yes…just for once…it’s all about you! Please note the change of time from the usual morning and afternoon slot. This is to allow you plenty of time to travel to and from Rye and to enjoy a light buffet lunch with us. Call or email Lee now to book your place.
The East Sussex Volunteer Coordinator Networking Forums are designed as informal meetings that allow anyone working with volunteers the opportunity to learn and talk more about specific volunteering topics as well as offering the chance to:
- meet with other people working with volunteers throughout East Sussex.
- get up to date information about volunteer management training, funding and other volunteering initiatives in your area.
- discover the latest news from the national volunteering sector and how it affects your organisation.
The Forums are facilitated by Lee Shepherd, Volunteer Centre East Sussex’s, Volunteering Development Officer who is a qualified trainer with over twenty years experience of directly managing volunteers and supporting groups to work with volunteers. Lee is often joined in the Forums by a range of guest speakers with specialist knowledge of the topics under discussion. Although each Forum has a focused topic, there are no formal agendas or minutes and no need to send apologies. It doesn’t matter if you have worked with volunteers for five minutes or for five years and more…please come along…everyone has something to offer and you will be very welcome. Attendance at all the Forums is completely free but there are limited places and demand for places is usually high, so to be sure of your place, please book early. Pre-booking is essential, but easy! To secure your place please contact Lee Shepherd on 07535 992 638 or email lee.shepherd@vces.org.uk.