Our website is a one-stop shop and we try to provide you with as much information and advice as possible. Please browse through the Best Practice Resources.

If you need more direct support , your local Voluntary Action can provide one to one support on volunteer recruitment and other volunteer engagement issues.

Please contact the local staff member in:


Annette Holmes at RVA

Email: annette.holmes@rva.uk.com

Tel: 01424 217259


Jane Caley at Hastings Voluntary Action

Email: jane@hastingsvoluntaryaction.org.uk

Phone: 01424 444 010


Fiona Morton at 3VA

Email: Fiona.morton@3va.org.uk

Tel 01323 639 373 ext 207

Lewes District

Lee Shepherd at 3VA

Email: lee.shepherd@3va.org.uk

Tel 01323 639 373 Ext 218


Steve Hughes at 3VA

Email: Stephen.hughes@3va.org.uk

Tel 01323 639 373 Ext 215