Volunteer Driver Schemes Survey
Deadline for responses: 10 March 2017
If you organise volunteer driver schemes in East Sussex, 3VA would like to hear from you. We are mapping Volunteer Driver Schemes in East Sussex, capturing the experience of organisations, drivers and passengers. The aim is to establish what currently exists, identify best practice and build capacity and resilience. We have launched 3 online surveys:
- If you are an organisation that provides a volunteer driver scheme, please share your knowledge by completing Survey 1
- If you are a volunteer driver, please share your knowledge by completing Survey 2
- If you use volunteer driver schemes as a passenger, please share your knowledge by completing Survey 3 .
The plan is to share the results at the meeting on 16th March to discuss Voluntary Transport Solutions and plan next steps. Please share these links with your contacts and encourage as many volunteer drivers and passengers to complete.